Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wood and nails and chickens... Oh my!

Today was the first day of actual coop construction and I am already blistered. The coop is coming along very nicely though! I have the floor done and the front and back walls are framed.

 The plywood pile! It was difficult carrying all this in to the backyard, but the frustrating part is I know that I have to bring some of it back out again so that I can cut doors and windows into them.
 The 2x4 pile...
 Here is a close-up of the extraordinarily heavy concrete pier blocks we used to raise the coop. Be careful not to throw out your back or smash your fingers with these things!
The chicks are still oblivious to their new home's semi-existence. But they still enjoy the yard! 

Look at that absurd tail feather! I don't know if that is the start of rooster feathers or some strange anomaly that will be disappearing soon, but Betsy looks silly with that lone feather waving around. 

Nellie had a rather adorable camera-caught grooming session today.

Fuzzy butts! Edith looks monstrous next to Shirley and Shirley isn't even small.

I thought maybe if I took a photo that hid all of Dots feathers (or lack there of) she might look pretty! Actually, this photo was a complete accident. I was trying to catch June I took this shot. Not bad for a blind photo!

I think Dot might turn out alright in the end... but she is sure going through an awkward phase. Here chest, which is supposed to be lightly speckled white, is pretty much white with a few brown speckles. She has a rather pitiful appearance as of now. I always put up her most glamorous shots though!

Look at how tall Edith can be!!

1 comment:

  1. The coop is taking shape, you'll be done in no time! Great job!
