The coop is finished enough for the chicks to move in now! I still have some exterior finishing touches, but it is all predator proof and functional! The only issue is I made a coop big enough for 8 hens because I thought I had 7... but now I only have 4! (I lost Zella and Edith and Betsy will be leaving shortly because they are roosters)
Hopefully in the future I will put trim around the window to hide the washers and the extra hardware cloth.
This will someday lift open to reveal three bins with (hopefully) eggs inside!
June's cheek tufts are growing in! She looks so silly and she is definitely calming down towards people. She is probably the second most easily handled now.
Dot's chest feathers aren't looking that bad, but her wings and her back and her head and her tail and her neck are still looking a little sparse. She is growing, but ever so slowly.
I think Shirley is a very pretty bird - and she is terribly entertaining. Shirley is the best forager of the flock and is constantly searching for goodies in wood chips (even though there aren't any). She is not very fond of being held, but she is okay with being petted. Shirley is far more interested in perching on your arm than snuggling.
Nellie is my only snuggler. She is probably only interested in me because I give her the favorite treatment (snuggling and petting and cornbread). But Nellie is extremely curious and is not afraid to come peck at me if I have sparkly nail polish on. She is past her nervous Nellie days!
For a while, I was really hoping Edith was a girl. Simply a hen with a serious attitude issue. But alas, no. I am convinced due to Edith's gargantuan size and her rooster tail feathers and her large, red crest that she is a he. Betsy is a rooster too! She (he) leaves me with no doubt though. Betsy attacks my fingers, struts around like a little prince, is growing a huge red crest and wattles and has rooster tail feathers. Betsy exudes a manly aura. I am starting to look for homes for these two because I have a feeling it won't be long until I hear some crowing!
My brother and his favorite hen! Too cute! (I told him to smile but I think he was a little scared of June pooping on him)